Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I am a conservative father of a teen aged daughter, living in the modern world. Can there be anything worse? I have a wife, 2 dogs (who don't think they're dogs), a cat who hates me, several fish and one teen aged daughter, who's mission appears to be making sure I die young, broke and insane. Now before we start, I have to admit that I am no writer and worse, I don't know much about being a father...that is, according to my daughter. What I think I know about fatherhood I got from my father. Yes, I am "old fashioned". Could be worse. I could be bald too.

It is an ironic happenstance of fatherhood that my daughter; the girl who I held as a new born, who grabbed my nose as I fed her during those cherished 3 am feedings, who I taught to ride a two wheeled bike, who asked me if I'd marry her when she grew up, who drew outlines of her hand and proudly presented them to me, sure in the conviction that Picasso couldn't have done anything better, seems to have reached the summit of her intellectual development when she was 12. It's been down hill from there. A workmate once told me that if you start out assuming a teenager has no brain, you can't be disappointed. I should have listened.

This blog is going to be my refuge. It will be where I pour out my thoughts about what I dreamt of and what is, in reality. Don't get me wrong; I love the girl. I really really really do. It's just that there are times I look at her and wonder to myself - what planet did she come from?